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Adjectives That Start with I: 300+ I Adjectives

adjectives that start with i

Incredible adjectives can make a description as informative as they are indispensable. But an imprecise adjective can feel inelegant. 

Finding the best adjective for your description is essential for authors, but it can be time-consuming. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of I adjectives for you to browse.

We’ve split the adjectives into various tone and mood categories to make it easier to find what you are looking for. You could read this list top to bottom to get a full understanding of your options, or you could skip to the list that fits your requirements. It’s your choice.

Positive I Adjectives

Let’s start with some positive adjectives you could use to describe your hero or a pleasant setting. 

  • Idealistic: Pursuing high moral standards
  • Illuminated: Brightened with light
  • Imaginable: Within the realm of thought
  • Imaginative: Creative and original thinker
  • Imbued: Filled with a quality
  • Immaculate: Spotlessly clean and tidy
  • Impartial: Fair and unbiased judgment
  • Impeccable: Flawless and perfect quality
  • Impressive: Awe-inspiring and admirable
  • Inclusive: Embracing diversity
  • Incredible: Hard to believe greatness
  • Independent: Self-sufficient and self-reliant
  • Indispensable: Absolutely necessary
  • Indomitable: Impossible to defeat
  • Industrious: Diligent and hardworking
  • Inexhaustible: Endless supply or energy
  • Infallible: Incapable of making mistakes
  • Infatuated: Filled with intense love
  • Influential: Having great influence power
  • Informative: Providing valuable information
  • Ingenious: Clever and inventive 
  • Ingratiating: Charming manner
  • Innovative: Introducing new ideas creatively
  • Inquisitive: Curious and eager to learn
  • Insightful: Deeply perceptive
  • Inspirational: Encourages and motivates others
  • Inspiring: Encouraging positive action
  • Inspiring: Stimulating enthusiasm or creativity
  • Intelligible: Easily understood 
  • Intense: Strong and passionate feeling
  • Intimate: Close and personal connection
  • Intrepid: Fearless and adventurous
  • Intriguing: Arousing curiosity and interest
  • Intuitive: Instinctively understanding things
  • Invaluable: Extremely precious or useful
  • Invigorated: Filled with renewed energy
  • Invigorating: Energizing and refreshing effect
  • Invincible: Unable to be defeated
  • Inviting: Warm and welcoming atmosphere
  • Invulnerable: Immune to harm
  • Iridescent: Shining with vibrant colors
  • Irreplaceable: Unique and impossible to substitute
  • Irresistible: Impossible to resist attraction

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Negative Describing Words That Start with I

Negative adjectives are just as important as positive ones. You could use the ones in this list to describe an unpleasant character or a failed attempt at the story goal.

  • Imbalanced: Lacking proper balance
  • Immaterial: Irrelevant or unimportant
  • Immature: Childish or not developed
  • Imperfect: Flawed or incomplete
  • Impersonal: Lacking human warmth
  • Imposing: Overly forceful or intimidating
  • Impotent: Lacking power or ability
  • Impractical: Not useful or realistic
  • Imprecise: Not accurate
  • Improper: Inappropriate or incorrect
  • Imprudent: Lacking wise judgment
  • Impulsive: Acting without thinking
  • Inadequate: Not enough or sufficient
  • Inapt: Not suitable or appropriate
  • Incoherent: Unclear or confusing
  • Inconsiderate: Thoughtless or uncaring
  • Inconsistent: Not steady or reliable
  • Inconvenient: Causing trouble or difficulty
  • Indecisive: Unable to make decisions
  • Indifferent: Lacking interest or concern
  • Indiscreet: Lacking caution or tact
  • Inelegant: Lacking refinement
  • Inept: Clumsy or incompetent
  • Inequitable: Unfair or unjust
  • Inexcusable: Impossible to excuse
  • Infamous: Known for bad reasons
  • Inferior: Lower in quality
  • Inflexible: Unwilling to change
  • Inhospitable: Unwelcoming or unfriendly
  • Inhumane: Lacking compassion or kindness
  • Insatiable: Never satisfied or content
  • Insecure: Lacking self-confidence
  • Insensitive: Lacking empathy or care
  • Insidious: Subtly harmful or deceitful
  • Insincere: Not genuine or truthful
  • Insipid: Lacking flavor or interest
  • Insolent: Showing rude disrespect
  • Insubordinate: Disobedient or defiant
  • Insubstantial: Lacking strength or solidity
  • Insufficient: Not enough or inadequate
  • Intimidating: Causing fear or apprehension
  • Intolerant: Unwilling to accept differences
  • Intrusive: Unwelcome or invasive
  • Invalid: Not valid or acceptable
  • Invasive: Tending to spread harm
  • Irrational: Not based on reason
  • Irresponsible: Lacking accountability 
  • Irreverent: Showing lack of respect
  • Irritable: Easily annoyed or angered

Neutral Adjectives Starting with I

The majority of adjectives are neutral, neither positive nor negative. They can be used to add flavor to everything from a description of a tree to the actions of side characters. 

  • Icy: Very cold or frosty
  • Idle: Not active 
  • Immense: Extremely large or great
  • Impartial: treating all rivals equally
  • Imperfect: Having flaws or defects
  • Impersonal: Lacking human warmth
  • Implicit: Implied but not stated
  • Important: Of great significance
  • Inactive: Not engaging in activity
  • Inarticulate: Unable to express clearly
  • Inbound: Moving toward a place
  • Incidental: Occurring by chance
  • Inclined: Having a tendency towards
  • Incomplete: Not finished or lacking
  • Incorrect: Not accurate or true
  • Indirect: Not straightforward 
  • Indistinct: Not clear or sharp
  • Indivisible: Unable to be divided
  • Indolent: Wanting to avoid activity
  • Indulgent: Allowing excessive leniency
  • Industrial: Relating to industry
  • Inefficient: Not achieving maximum productivity
  • Inert: Lacking ability to move
  • Inexact: Not precise or accurate
  • Inexpensive: Not costing much money
  • Infamous: Well-known for bad deeds
  • Informal: Relaxed and unofficial style
  • Infrequent: Not happening often
  • Inherent: Existing as essential part
  • Initial: Occurring at the beginning
  • Innate: Existing from birth
  • Innocuous: Not harmful or offensive
  • Innovative: Introducing new ideas
  • Inquisitive: Curious or inquiring
  • Insidious: Subtle but harmful
  • Insolent: Showing a lack of respect
  • Instant: Happening immediately
  • Intact: Not damaged or impaired
  • Integral: Necessary to completeness
  • Intense: Extreme force or degree
  • Internal: Located inside something
  • Involved: Complicated or intricate

Words That Start with I to Describe Someone

Perhaps you wish to describe the physical attributes of a character. This list contains options that are positive, neutral, and negative. 

  • Icy: Pale and cool-toned skin
  • Ideal: Perfect, symmetrical features
  • Idolized: Admired for appearance
  • Illuminated: Glowing, radiant skin
  • Immaculate: Flawlessly clean appearance
  • Immense: Very large in size
  • Impeccable: Flawless, well-groomed look
  • Imperfect: Noticeable minor flaws
  • Impish: Mischievously charming features
  • Imposing: Commanding and impressive presence
  • Impressionable: Easily influenced by appearance
  • Impressive: Striking, memorable looks
  • Incandescent: Glowing with light
  • Incisive: Sharp, well-defined features
  • Inclined: Sloped or angled posture
  • Inclusive: Broad, encompassing features
  • Incomparable: Unmatched in appearance
  • Inconstant: Frequently changing looks
  • Incredible: Hard to believe beauty
  • Indelible: Unforgettable appearance
  • Indented: Deeply set features
  • Independent: Distinctive, unique look
  • Indescribable: Beyond words beautiful
  • Indistinct: Not clearly defined
  • Indulgent: Luxuriously pampered appearance
  • Inevitable: Naturally striking looks
  • Infallible: Perfectly consistent appearance
  • Infamous: Known for unique looks
  • Infatuating: Intensely captivating appearance
  • Infernal: Fiery, intense presence
  • Infinite: Boundless in beauty
  • Innocent: Pure, childlike features
  • Innovative: Unusually creative look
  • Inquiring: Curiously expressive face
  • Insecure: Self-conscious about appearance
  • Insidious: Subtly alluring look
  • Insistent: Strongly defined features
  • Intangible: Hard to define beauty
  • Integrated: Harmoniously blended features
  • Intense: Deep, penetrating gaze
  • Intent: Focused, purposeful expression
  • Intermittent: Changing, variable appearance
  • Intricate: Detailed, complex features
  • Introspective: Thoughtful, inward-looking eyes
  • Introverted: Shy, reserved demeanor
  • Invincible: Unyielding, strong presence
  • Inviting: Welcoming, approachable look
  • Involved: Complex, layered appearance
  • Ironic: Unexpectedly striking looks
  • Isolated: Solitary or detached

Character Traits That Start with I

Alternatively, you may need to describe the personality or actions of a character. Here are 40 more options.

  • Ideal: Represents perfection and excellence
  • Idealistic: Dreams of ideal situations
  • Illuminating: Sheds light on matters
  • Imaginative: Creates vivid mental images
  • Imaginative: Full of creative ideas
  • Immaculate: Spotless and perfectly clean
  • Impartial: Fair and unbiased judgment
  • Impassioned: Full of strong emotions
  • Impeccable: Perfect and without faults
  • Imperturbable: Remains calm under stress
  • Impressive: Commands admiration and respect
  • Impulsive: Acts on instinct quickly
  • Incisive: Clear and direct thinking
  • Inclusive: Embraces diversity and difference
  • Incorrigible: Beyond correction or improvement
  • Independent: Self-reliant and self-sufficient
  • Indomitable: Impossible to defeat
  • Indulgent: Lenient and forgiving nature
  • Industrious: Hardworking and diligent worker
  • Infallible: Incapable of making mistakes
  • Influential: Exerts strong influence
  • Ingenious: Clever and inventive mind
  • Innovative: Introduces new methods successfully
  • Inquisitive: Eager to learn and explore
  • Insatiable: Impossible to satisfy
  • Insightful: Deep understanding and perception
  • Inspirational: Encourages others to achieve
  • Inspiring: Motivates others through actions
  • Intelligent: Highly knowledgeable and perceptive
  • Intense: Highly focused and passionate
  • Intrepid: Fearless and adventurous spirit
  • Intriguing: Arouses curiosity and interest
  • Introspective: Reflective on one’s thoughts
  • Intuitive: Senses without explicit reasoning
  • Inventive: Creates new and original ideas
  • Invigorating: Energizes and refreshes others
  • Invincible: Unbeatable and unconquerable spirit
  • Invulnerable: Immune to emotional harm
  • Irresistible: Impossible to resist charm

Compliments Starting with I

This next list contains compliments. These are especially useful for romances and the all important meet cute. 

  • Iconic: Symbolic and legendary
  • Illuminating: Enlightening and clarifying
  • Illustrious: Distinguished and renowned
  • Imaginative: Creative and inventive
  • Immaculate: Perfectly clean and pure
  • Impartial: Fair and unbiased
  • Impeccable: Flawless and perfect
  • Imperturbable: Calm and composed
  • Impressive: Leaves a strong impact
  • Impressive: Making a strong impact
  • Incandescent: Glowing with brilliance
  • Incisive: Clear and penetratingly sharp
  • Inclusive: Embracing all diversity
  • Incomparable: Unmatched and peerless
  • Incorruptible: Morally upright and honest
  • Indefatigable: Tireless and determined
  • Indispensable: Absolutely necessary
  • Indomitable: Unyielding and unbeatable
  • Ineffable: Beyond description or words
  • Inestimable: Of immeasurable value
  • Infallible: Perfect and without fault
  • Ingenious: Brilliantly clever and inventive
  • Inimitable: One of a kind
  • Innovative: Original and inventive
  • Insightful: Discerning and perceptive
  • Inspiring: Motivates and uplifts
  • Intelligent: Smart and clever
  • Intrepid: Fearless and brave
  • Intriguing: Captivating and fascinating
  • Intuitive: Instinctive and perceptive
  • Invaluable: Extremely precious and irreplaceable
  • Invigorating: Energizing and refreshing
  • Invincible: Unbeatable and unconquerable
  • Irreplaceable: Cannot be replaced
  • Irresistible: Impossible to resist

Nice Adjectives That Start with I

And finally, here are some unique and funny adjectives that start with I. They are perfect to add a little comic relief of lightness to your story. 

  • Illuminating: Providing insight or clarity
  • Illustrious: Highly distinguished
  • Imperturbable: Calm and composed
  • Impervious: Unaffected or impenetrable
  • Impish: Mischievously playful
  • Impressive: Evoking admiration or respect
  • Incandescent: Emitting light or radiant
  • Incantatory: Magical or spellbinding
  • Incendiary: Provocative or inflammatory
  • Incisive: Sharp and penetrating
  • Incognito: Disguised or concealed
  • Incomparable: Unmatched in comparison
  • Incomprehensible: Beyond understanding
  • Inconceivable: Unbelievable or unimaginable
  • Incontrovertible: Indisputable and undeniable
  • Incorrigible: Unreformable in behavior
  • Incorruptible: Unable to be corrupted
  • Indefatigable: Tireless and persistent
  • Indelible: Unforgettable and permanent
  • Indomitable: Unconquerable and unbeatable
  • Ineffable: Beyond description
  • Inefficacious: Ineffective or futile
  • Inexorable: Relentless and unstoppable
  • Inexplicable: Impossible to explain
  • Infallible: Incapable of error
  • Ingenious: Cleverly inventive
  • Inimitable: Unable to be imitated
  • Inquisitive: Curious and questioning
  • Insatiable: Never satisfied
  • Inscrutable: Mysterious and enigmatic
  • Insidious: Sly and treacherous
  • Insipid: Lacking flavor or interest
  • Insouciant: Carefree and nonchalant
  • Intransigent: Stubbornly refusing to compromise
  • Intrepid: Fearless and brave
  • Intuitive: Instinctively understood
  • Invigorating: Energizing and refreshing
  • Irksome: Annoying or bothersome
  • Irresistible: Impossible to resist

Tips For Using Adjectives with I

Adjectives are an essential tool in a writer’s toolkit, but you have to be careful not to overuse them. So, here are six tips to help you ensure your adjectives are boosting your descriptions instead of holding them back. 

  • Enhance specificity: Your adjectives should precisely describe the noun they modify, so avoid vague and unnecessary adjectives. 
  • Maintain balance: Strike the perfect balance between using enough adjectives to enrich your writing but not using so many that they overwhelm your reader. 
  • Show, don’t tell: The age old adage. Don’t state the facts; use adjectives to show scenes, characters, and emotions, allowing readers to visualize your story. 
  • Consider connotations: Be mindful of the connotations of your I adjectives, as they can affect the mood and tone of your description.
  • Use strong verbs: Even the best adjective will lose power when paired with a weak verb. Pair descriptive adjectives with powerful verbs to create dynamic and vivid imagery.
  • Edit for precision: And finally, the most important step is to revise your writing to ensure that each adjective serves a purpose. If it does not, cut it. 

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