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Adjectives That Start with C: 270 Words That Start with C

adjectives that start with c

A clever adjective can spice up a description, but using too many can feel chaotic and lead to a reader who is confused and pulled away from the story. 

Writers may pick adjectives based on length, rhythm, connotations, or tone, and there are thousands of options. If you’re looking for an adjective that starts with C to complete your alliteration, to describe your cheerful character, or to add sparkle to a metaphor, you’re in the right place. 

We’ve split the adjectives into a variety of categories, including positive, neutral, and funny, to help you find what you need quickly. You may want to skip straight to the list you need, or maybe you just want to get a feel of all your options and prefer to read all the lists. 

Positive Adjectives Starting with C

Lets start with positive adjectives. If you’re describing your hero, adding a specific adjective that perfectly captures their strengths will really help the character feel real to the readers. For example, clear-headed and conscientious are great adjectives to give depth to your smart character.

  • Calm: peaceful and untroubled
  • Candid: honest and straightforward
  • Capable: efficient and competent
  • Celebrated: widely admired and acclaimed
  • Celebratory: full of celebration spirit
  • Centered: calm and focused
  • Charismatic: attractively charming and confident
  • Charitable: generous and giving
  • Charming: delightfully pleasing and attractive
  • Cheerful: joyful and light-hearted
  • Chivalrous: courteous and gallant
  • Classy: stylish and sophisticated
  • Clear-headed: rational and logical
  • Clever: quick-witted and intelligent
  • Comfortable: pleasant and at ease
  • Comforting: providing reassurance and comfort
  • Committed: dedicated and loyal
  • Compassionate: showing deep empathy and care
  • Competent: skilled and capable
  • Compliant: willingly accommodating
  • Complimentary: expressing praise or admiration
  • Composed: calm and self-controlled
  • Conciliatory: seeking to make peace
  • Confident: self-assured and poised
  • Confiding: trusting and open-hearted
  • Conscientious: careful and diligent
  • Considerate: kind and thoughtful
  • Consistent: reliable and steady
  • Constant: unchanging and dependable
  • Constructive: helpful and beneficial
  • Content: satisfied and happy
  • Convincing: persuasive and believable
  • Convivial: friendly and lively
  • Cooperative: willing to work together
  • Cordial: warm and friendly
  • Cosmopolitan: worldly and cultured
  • Courageous: bold and valiant
  • Courteous: polite and respectful
  • Creative: imaginative and inventive
  • Credible: reliable and trustworthy
  • Cultured: well-educated and refined
  • Curious: eager to learn

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Negative C Adjectives

Negative adjectives are useful for building and shaping your villains or unpleasant settings. For example, was your character’s mistake that caused another character harm just careless or calculated? Different adjectives have different connotations, so be careful that the one you pick has the correct strength and tone. 

Here are 50 negative adjectives that start with C.

  • Callous: insensitive and cruel
  • Cantankerous: bad-tempered and argumentative
  • Careless: lacking attention or thought
  • Catty: spiteful and maliciously critical
  • Caustic: bitterly sarcastic or cutting
  • Censorious: overly critical or disapproving
  • Chafing: irritating or annoying
  • Chagrined: distressed or humiliated
  • Chaotic: completely disorganized or messy
  • Cheap: miserly or ungenerous
  • Chintzy: gaudy and of poor quality
  • Choleric: easily angered or irritable
  • Churlish: rude and unfriendly
  • Clamorous: loud and demanding
  • Clingy: overly dependent or attached
  • Cloddish: awkward and clumsy
  • Clueless: completely unaware or ignorant
  • Coarse: rough and lacking refinement
  • Cocky: overly self-confident or arrogant
  • Cold: lacking warmth or emotion
  • Combative: eager to fight or argue
  • Complacent: self-satisfied and unmotivated
  • Complaining: constantly expressing dissatisfaction
  • Compulsive: uncontrollably obsessive or habitual
  • Conceited: excessively proud and self-centered
  • Condescending: patronizing and superior
  • Confused: unable to think clearly
  • Contemptuous: showing disdain or scorn
  • Contradictory: inconsistent or opposing
  • Contrived: artificially planned or forced
  • Controlling: domineering and manipulative
  • Corrosive: gradually harmful or damaging
  • Corrupt: morally degenerate or dishonest
  • Cowardly: lacking courage or bravery
  • Crabbed: irritable and sullen
  • Crabby: easily annoyed or irritable
  • Crafty: sly and deceitful
  • Crass: insensitive and tactless
  • Crazy: mentally unsound or absurd
  • Creepy: causing unease or fear
  • Crippled: severely impaired or disabled
  • Critical: finding faults and flaws
  • Crooked: dishonest or fraudulent
  • Crude: rudely simple and unrefined
  • Cruel: willfully causing pain
  • Crummy: of very poor quality
  • Crusty: irritable and bad-tempered
  • Culpable: deserving blame or guilt
  • Cumbersome: awkward and hard to handle
  • Cynical: distrustful of human sincerity

Neutral Describing Words That Start with C

Neutral adjectives are neither positive nor negative. They add color to a description without adding an opinion, meaning the reader can choose how to interpret them.

Here are 50 neutral adjectives that start with C.

  • Calculable: capable of being calculated
  • Capable: having the ability
  • Cardinal: of main importance
  • Casual: informal or relaxed
  • Ceremonial: related to ceremonies
  • Chartered: officially recognized
  • Chromatic: relating to color
  • Circular: shaped like a circle
  • Circumspect: cautious and careful
  • Cognitive: related to thinking
  • Coherent: logically consistent
  • Collective: done by a group
  • Colloquial: informal in language
  • Colossal: extremely large
  • Commensurate: corresponding in size
  • Common: widely found
  • Compact: closely packed together
  • Comparable: able to be compared
  • Compatible: able to coexist
  • Compliant: willing to obey
  • Composite: made of various parts
  • Comprehensive: covering all aspects
  • Concentric: having a common center
  • Concise: brief and clear
  • Conditional: subject to conditions
  • Configurable: able to be arranged
  • Confirmed: verified or established
  • Connected: joined or linked
  • Constant: remaining the same
  • Constricted: narrowed or tight
  • Contentious: likely to cause disagreement
  • Contiguous: sharing a common border
  • Contingent: dependent on something
  • Convenient: easy to use
  • Conventional: based on tradition
  • Convergent: coming together
  • Coordinated: well-organized
  • Countable: able to be counted
  • Credible: believable or convincing
  • Critical: involving careful judgment
  • Cubic: relating to a cube
  • Cultural: related to culture
  • Cumulative: increasing over time
  • Curious: eager to learn
  • Current: happening now
  • Customary: usual or traditional
  • Cyclic: occurring in cycles
  • Cylindrical: shaped like a cylinder

C Words to Describe Someone

If you are specifically looking for an adjective to describe a person’s physical appearance, then this is the list for you. 

As always, keep an eye on the connotations of the word you pick. Chunky, chubby, and curvaceous all describe a person who has a full shape, but chunky is normally unkind, chubby is regularly used to describe cute babies, and curvaceous is a flattering description. 

  • Calm: relaxed and serene expression
  • Carefree: relaxed and happy demeanor
  • Charming: attractive and pleasing look
  • Cheerful: happy, pleasant appearance
  • Cheery: bright and lively expression
  • Chestnut: rich, reddish-brown hair
  • Chiseled: sharply defined facial features
  • Chubby: plump and round body
  • Chunky: solid, thick body build
  • Circular: round facial features
  • Classical: timeless, elegant beauty
  • Classy: stylish, sophisticated look
  • Clean-cut: neat and tidy appearance
  • Cloaked: covered, hidden features
  • Cloudy: unclear, vague features
  • Clumsy: awkward, ungraceful movements
  • Coiffed: carefully styled hair
  • Cold: unemotional, distant look
  • Collared: wearing a high collar
  • Colorful: bright, vibrant clothing choices
  • Colorless: pale, lacking color
  • Comely: pleasant and attractive features
  • Compact: small, well-proportioned body
  • Confident: self-assured, strong presence
  • Coppery: reddish-brown hair color
  • Corny: overly sentimental appearance
  • Coy: shy, modest demeanor
  • Cozy: warm and comfortable look
  • Craggy: rugged, rough features
  • Creamy: smooth, pale complexion
  • Crinkly: wrinkled or creased skin
  • Crisp: neat and freshly styled
  • Crispy: fresh, well-maintained appearance
  • Crooked: uneven or bent shape
  • Cropped: short, trimmed hair
  • Crowded: densely packed features
  • Cuddly: soft and huggable appearance
  • Curled: hair with natural waves
  • Curvaceous: full, shapely body

Character Traits That Start with C

Perhaps you may need an adjective to describe the character traits or personality of someone. Are they charitable and caring, or are they cunning and committed? 

Here are 40 character trait options for you to pick from.

  • Calm: serene and composed under pressure
  • Candid: honest and straightforward in speech
  • Capable: competent and effective in tasks
  • Careful: attentive and avoids mistakes
  • Caring: compassionate and attentive to others
  • Cautious: careful and avoids unnecessary risks
  • Charismatic: charming and attracts others easily
  • Charitable: generous and helps those in need
  • Cheerful: joyful and radiates positivity
  • Chipper: cheerful and lively personality
  • Chivalrous: courteous and gallant, especially to women
  • Clever: quick-witted and resourceful
  • Committed: dedicated and loyal to cause
  • Communicative: open and willing to share
  • Compassionate: shows deep empathy and care
  • Competent: skilled and capable in tasks
  • Complimentary: praises and appreciates others
  • Composed: calm and self-controlled demeanor
  • Comradely: friendly and supportive like a comrade
  • Concise: brief and to the point
  • Confident: self-assured and believes in abilities
  • Confiding: trusting and open with secrets
  • Conscientious: diligent and thorough in work
  • Consensual: agreeable and cooperative in decisions
  • Considerate: thoughtful and mindful of others
  • Consistent: reliable and steady in behavior
  • Constructive: positive and helpful in feedback
  • Content: satisfied and at ease
  • Convincing: effective and persuasive in speech
  • Convivial: sociable and enjoys company
  • Cool-headed: calm and in control
  • Cooperative: works well with others
  • Cordial: warm and friendly demeanor
  • Courageous: brave and faces fears
  • Courteous: exhibits polite and respectful behavior
  • Creative: imaginative and inventive in ideas
  • Credible: believable and trustworthy in actions
  • Cultured: knowledgeable and refined in tastes
  • Cunning: clever and deceptive in strategy
  • Curious: eager to learn and explore

Funny Descriptive Words That Start with C

The final list contains words that are fun to say or unique. If you are looking for a word that stands out and will not feel stale, then this is the list for you. My personal favorite word from the list is confuzzled, which is a blend of confused and puzzled. 

Here are 50 funny and unusual adjectives for you to pick from. 

  • Cacestogenous: originating badly
  • Cacodemonic: resembling an evil spirit
  • Cacodorous: foul-smelling
  • Cacogenic: causing degeneration
  • Cacophonic: discordant and jarring
  • Cacophonous: harsh-sounding and noisy
  • Cantankerous: irritable and argumentative
  • Cantillating: chanting or singing
  • Capricious: unpredictable and whimsical
  • Carnivalesque: festive and lively
  • Catawampus: askew and awry
  • Cavernous: large and hollow
  • Chameleonic: changeable and adaptable
  • Chillax: relaxed and laid-back
  • Chimerical: wildly imaginative and fanciful
  • Chimichanga: surprising and spicy
  • Chimichurri: zesty and tangy
  • Chinchy: stingy and miserly
  • Chromatic: colorful and vivid
  • Chugging: moving steadily
  • Churlish: rude and surly
  • Circuitous: roundabout and indirect
  • Circumspect: cautious and wary
  • Clamorous: loud and uproarious
  • Clandestine: secretive and hidden
  • Cloacal: pertaining to excretion
  • Cloistered: secluded and sheltered
  • Cloying: overly sweet and sentimental
  • Cockamamie: absurd and ridiculous
  • Cocky: overly self-confident
  • Collywobbly: causing stomach discomfort
  • Comical: funny and amusing
  • Commodious: spacious and comfortable
  • Confuzzled: confused and puzzled
  • Consarned: mildly annoyed
  • Coriaceous: leathery in texture
  • Corybantic: frenzied and wild
  • Corymbose: resembling a flower cluster
  • Crapulous: relating to drunkenness
  • Crescendoing: gradually increasing in volume
  • Cringeworthy: embarrassing and awkward
  • Crotchety: cranky and eccentric
  • Cruciferous: relating to the cabbage family
  • Crustaceous: resembling a crustacean
  • Cryptic: mysterious and puzzling
  • Cumbersome: awkward and hard to handle
  • Cupreous: copper-colored
  • Curmudgeonly: bad-tempered and grumpy
  • Curvaceous: shapely and voluptuous

Tips For Using Adjectives with C

There is a careful balance between using adjectives in a way that adds depth and breadth to your description and using so many that they muddy your prose. Here are some tips to help you stay on the right side of that line. 

  • Prioritize Specificity: Choose adjectives that provide precise, detailed descriptions. For example, instead of saying someone is nice, say they are compassionate and courageous. 
  • Avoid Redundancy: Don’t add adjectives that repeat the meaning already conveyed by the noun. For example, a creamy custard is okay, but a creamy-textured custard is excessive. 
  • Limit Quantity: Use adjectives sparingly to avoid cluttering your prose. One well-chosen adjective is often more powerful than several weaker ones. 
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Use adjectives to show rather than tell emotions or characteristics. This helps readers visualize the scene clearly.
  • Match Tone and Context: Ensure your adjectives match the tone and context of your writing. For example, if your piece is formal, a casual adjective may stand out oddly. 
  • Edit Ruthlessly: During editing, analyze each adjective and remove any that are redundant to improve readability. 
  • Read Aloud: A great final step in this first round of editing is to read your work aloud to hear how the adjectives flow within the sentence. It’s easier to identify awkward or clunky descriptions this way. 

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